Thursday 30 October 2008

Censors Come Calling

In this globalized world, the Internet has become a free and fast accessible source of information as well as a contradiction. Following freedom of information is revelation of sensitive issues that tickle responses from the government. It proves that the media and the politic are inseparable. Looking at the way several countries have been trying to control and restrict the circulation of information and ideas in the mainstream media, I reckon that free speech becomes more expensive while it is given a platform for being more independent.

It is shocking how China freezes users’ computer if they use key words such as “Tiananmen Square”. It shows how sensitive politic can be in the field of media. The fact that Burma applies software in internet cafes which is able to record what’s on screen every five minutes shows how freedom of information and communication is limited even more within its platform for greater accessibility. And as the article outlined that foreign companies get a risk of missing their market opportunity if they do not follow the government’s policy makes more clear for me that censorship has changed to a form of threat. What is more logical for me is censorship for the sake of protecting children from pornography.

Internet has become more as a battlefield rather than a platform of information and communication. While the government’s attempt to control and place restricted censorship toward the Internet is getting more intense, users also put more effort in terms of maintaining freedom in using the media.


IamTimmy said...

Hey Stella,

U gots good points and examples la, especially the example of Tiaanmen Square. Very informative, and gives a much more better understanding of Citizen Journalism.


Cindy 姆@雞 said...

quite agree with your idea, but as the article, many democratic contries such as Australia also has this kind of prbolem. As i know, the censorship rules in Australia are involve in the legislation. The censors in AU also block the websites.

we r all "surveillanced" by the government......T_T||

Shreshta said...

hey i thought this article was a hard one but gud work!

Sunny said...

Hi Stella:-)

I have same idea that China is quite strict rules about internet blogging.

But, to add more ideas for your summary, democratic countries such as U.S.A and Australia, these countries also have media authority to control the "objectionable" contents.

Anyway, I was happy to read your post~and you did really well---!!!!>_<

Yu Qing said...

Indeed, politics and media are impossible to be separate. As media could be the government's weapon of controlling minds, and on the other hand, media is sometimes the opposite of the government. Internet undoubtedly becomes the free and fast platform for the public to express themselves. In order to control the civilians, censorship is indispensable for the government, not just China, also the western countries such as the USA. In the universe of human lives, absolute freedom and democracy are utopian. They are only differentiated by the "grade" of freedom and democracy.

China is obviously a typical example of NON-FREEDOM OF SPEECH country. It is true, but only depends on what you are pursuit of. Censorship = Threat? Maybe. It all depends. How about the civilians are too free and gather to revolt? That is battle. There is no right or wrong, bad or good, there is only your position. Somehow, I do not totally agree or believe in absolute freedom of speech. Maybe I am standing on the government's side. Censorship is good for the government to control, I think it is more important to keep the country in peace, not in conflict. Knowing the truth is not really matter. What is TRUTH? It is about the trust of the government.

Karina said...

hi stella... im agree for your statement..but this article i think little bit hard...good on you stella